This position involves keeping an adequate check on the Committee, to make sure they are doing their job, to ensure the smooth running of the club nights, and basically to run the club to the best of their ability. The President is authorised to be a bank signatory and endorse documents.
Assist the President and, if necessary, substitutes for the President. In the event of a resignation, retirement or removal of any Executive member of the committee the Vice President shall take that office until the position has been filled. Should the Vice President decline to take such an office, then the Vice President shall immediately relinquish the position of Vice President, The Vice President is authorised to be a bank signatory and endorse documents.
This position involves collating and retaining minutes of meetings held by the club. Clear mail, report any urgent mail to the President for immediate action, handling incoming and outgoing correspondence, and to fill the vacancy of any Committee member who resigns until such time as that vacancy has been filled. The Secretary is authorised to be a bank signatory and endorse documents.
This position involves keeping an accurate record of income and expenditure, bank money, pay accounts, reconcile bank accounts, present true and accurate reports at all Committee meetings, calculate profit/loss for special events, i.e. hops etc and issue miscellaneous receipts. The Treasurer shall keep proper books of account, of all income and expenditure of the club, and issue receipts when requested for money received by the Club. The Treasurer is authorised to be a bank signatory and endorse documents.
(Promotions/Advertising/Liason Officer) This position involves promoting the club at all times in any way possible i.e. with posters, word of mouth, leaflets etc. To look for sponsorship for the club, place advertisements in local newspapers, handle any radio advertising etc. To liaise with other clubs, organise club visitations, co-ordinate demos, organise out of town trips and initially be a front line person for the club.
This position involves keeping an accurate record of club members, being responsible for the joining up of members, keeping a check on annual renewals and pro-rated subscriptions, recording of payments, issuing receipts (if requested), issuing of membership cards and making sure the membership list is up to date.
This position involves the looking after and keeping an accurate record of all club properties, including selling T-shirts, badges, etc. Placing of signs outside club venues, being responsible for lost property, and where possible to store club property. Keep the Club’s insurance provider updated with any material changes in Club Property.
This involves people required to back up and to help other committee members when their work load becomes too great. To assist wherever possible with smooth running of the club.